From Country Roots to Lifeline Counsellor to Estate Share Specialist

How JM Investments became a Deceased Estate Share Specialist.

Ever been asked why you chose a particular job or niche?

I get that a lot, especially when I mention deceased estates. Most in my industry raise an eyebrow or just straight up say “Why on earth?…”. To be completely honest it was unexpected and serendipitous to me too, I fell in love with the markets in my mid-teens and I always knew I would work in the space, but the estate connection didn’t synapse until many years later.

The Journey Begins in the Countryside

I grew up in a small country town in the heart of the NSW wheat and sheep belt where everyone knows everyone. This close-knit community shaped much of who I am today. However, life threw a pivotal challenge my way when I lost my best mate to suicide in 2013. This tragic event Rocked our little town and eventually steered me towards becoming a lifeline counsellor.

A Transition Fuelled by Compassion

In a previous role at a stockbroking firm, all new work was filtered through from the amazing team at the front desk, due to my lifeline role, any emotionally charged calls would make their way through to me, and because of this I started to receive a lot of estate work. The repetitive pain points were glaring; families and their solicitors were consistently mired in confusion and mess during such delicate times. The major roadblock was invariably the share registries, notorious for their wrong forms, contradictory advice, and endless delays. Estate shares typically accumulated in the too-hard basket, complicating an already challenging grieving process.

The Universe Steps In

When I took the leap and launched JM Investments, the universe—or perhaps just sheer luck—placed my very first client in my path, a woman who had recently lost her father to suicide. This case blurred the lines between my lifeline work and stockbroking, but by its conclusion, the client remarked that sorting out the shares had been the easiest part of her journey. It was a moment of clarity for me, igniting a determination to make JM Investments the best in the business.

The Joy in My Niche

What I stumbled upon by accident has turned into a profound source of joy. The solicitors I work with, who manage estates, are under immense pressure and certainly do not need additional stress. I thrive on simplifying complex processes and bringing calm to stormy situations, ensuring families don’t have to worry about the financial aspects during their times of grief. Additionally, our track record with locating millions in lost shares and dividends has only solidified my belief that we are unrivalled in this sector. (Our Blind share search has found over $4.5million in shares and dividends that were otherwise unknown to estates).

A Reflection on Purpose

Every day, I draw on my experiences—from the country fields of my childhood to the intense emotional support roles I’ve held—to guide families through one of their most challenging times.

Invitation to Share

How did you find your niche? Whether by accident or design, I’d love to hear how others have connected their passions with their professions.


Hey there, I’m Jon!

I help connect you with your ideal investment portfolio. Personalised service with an ethical footprint.





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Hey there, I’m Jon!

I help connect you with your ideal investment portfolio. Personalised service with an ethical footprint.

